Township of Rideau Lakes Burn Permits
Apply for your online permit today.
Apply for your online permit today.
If your Open-Air Burn will be larger than a 1m X 1m X 1m (3ft) “Campfire” or “Cooking Fire”, you require a Burn Permit. If you use a “Burn Barrel” or “Incinerator”, you require a Burn Permit.
Only the OWNER of a property in Rideau Lakes may obtain a Conditional Permit for Open-Air Burning. Tenants must have written approval from the owner.
Register Online using this website. For assistance with Online Registration, please call 1-800-928-2250 or visit the Township of Rideau Lakes Municipal Office at 1439 County Road 8, Delta (in Chantry).
When you call, your activation is valid immediately.
“Fire Season” is from April 1 to October 31 each year. “During “Fire Season”, no person shall conduct Open-Air Burning between the time of 08:00 hours until 18:00 hours each day.”
$10. The Conditional Permit for Open-Air Burning is valid until December 31 of the year in which it is purchased. Pay online with a Credit Card or PayPal. To pay with Debit or Cash, choose the Pay Later option and visit the Township Office - 1439 County Road 8.